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Phase One (Phase I) & Phase Two (Phase II) Environmental Site Assessments

Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) are the systematic process used to determine whether a property is or may be subject to contamination. Conducting an ESA may reduce risks associated with unexpected or hidden environmental liabilities associated with a property.
Completion of an ESA may be required for refinancing, property sale or acquisition, or to support a Record of Site Condition.
ASC personnel have conducted numerous Phase One (Phase I) and Phase Two (Phase II) ESAs, following CSA and Ontario Regulation 153/04 requirements. Contact us to discuss how we can meet your needs in a timely and cost effective manner.

1305 Princess St, Kingston, ON K7M 3E3, Canada

(613) 634-5596

©2019 by ASC Environmental Inc. Created by DME. Updated 2023 by BGL.

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